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Information and Statistics Department of China Scrap Steel Utilization Association

2024-05-13 17:44:22

Last week, the domestic scrap steel market operated stably to strong, market transactions were average, merchants' expectations for price increases increased, and steel companies' inventories failed to be effectively replenished, but price increases were relatively cautious. Compared with the previous week, the average scrap purchase price of key steel companies increased by 28 yuan/ton for heavy scrap, 27 yuan/ton for medium scrap, and 35 yuan/ton for aggregate scrap.

Recently, the black series futures market has been operating strongly, and spot transactions have been good, boosting the scrap market. At present, although scrap steel prices are rising, steel companies are still on the verge of profit and loss. Most independent electric arc furnace steel companies maintain unsaturated production, and the increase in scrap consumption is limited. The price increase is mostly driven by the urgent need to replenish stocks during the May Day holiday. At present, merchants still lack confidence in the market outlook and have less stockpiles. The situation of weak scrap supply and demand has not changed. Taken together, the domestic scrap steel market is expected to fluctuate within a narrow range and strengthen in the short term.

Scrap steel prices in East China are generally stable, merchants are reluctant to sell in anticipation of rising prices, the pace of shipments has slowed, and the arrival volume of some steel companies has declined. The purchase price of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s heavy scrap steel is 2,700 yuan/ton; the purchase price of Shagang heavy scrap steel is 2,760 yuan/ton; the purchase price of Xingcheng Special Steel's heavy scrap steel is 2,810 yuan/ton, an increase of 100 yuan/ton; the purchase price of Maanshan Iron and Steel's heavy scrap steel is 2,760 yuan/ton. 2,460 yuan/ton; Tongling Fuxin heavy scrap steel purchase price is 2,720 yuan/ton; Shandong Laigang Steel chip briquette bidding price is 2,750 yuan/ton, increased by 10 yuan/ton; Ningbo Iron and Steel's April heavy scrap steel purchase base price is 2,407 Yuan / ton.

The scrap steel market in Central China is operating strongly, market resources are tight, merchants have difficulty receiving goods, steel company inventories are still low, and demand has not improved much. The purchase price of heavy scrap steel at Angang is 2,880 yuan/ton; the purchase price of heavy scrap steel at Wugang is 3,050 yuan/ton, an increase of 70 yuan/ton; the purchase price of heavy scrap steel at Hunan Iron and Steel Henggang is 2,460 yuan/ton, an increase of 70 yuan/ton; The purchase price of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s low-sulfur briquette scrap is 2,830 yuan/ton, an increase of 90 yuan/ton.

Scrap steel prices in South China continue to rise, and the losses of steel companies have eased, but the production of independent electric arc furnace steel companies is still unsaturated. The purchase price of Sanzang Minguang heavy scrap steel is 2,700 yuan/ton, increased by 40 yuan/ton; the ex-factory price of Shaogang Heavy Duty II scrap steel is 2,670 yuan/ton, increased by 60 yuan/ton; Anshan Iron and Steel Lianzhong first-grade carbon steel scrap steel The purchase price (crushed material) is 2,680 yuan/ton.

The scrap steel market in the southwest region is operating stably, but it is still difficult to receive goods at the base. The profits of steel companies have slightly recovered. Considering that the use of scrap steel for smelting is not cost-effective, the price increase is relatively limited. The heavy-duty scrap price of Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 2,420 yuan/ton excluding tax; the purchase price of briquette scrap steel of Kunming Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. is 2,450 yuan/ton.

The scrap steel market in the northwest region is operating in a narrow and strong adjustment. Merchants are eager for a rise. The base shipment speed has slowed down. The arrival and consumption of steel companies are basically the same, and production enthusiasm has increased. The purchasing price of Xining Special Steel's heavy-duty scrap is 2,619 yuan/ton; the purchasing price of Jiugang's medium-sized scrap is 2,550 yuan/ton, an increase of 50 yuan/ton.

Scrap steel prices in the Northeast are stable and rising, market resource circulation is improving, steel companies are not performing well, scrap steel consumption is low, and procurement enthusiasm is average. The purchase price of Jianlong Xigang (Yichun area) heavy scrap steel is 2870 yuan/ton; the purchase price of Anshan Iron and Steel heavy scrap steel is 2910 yuan/ton; the purchase price of Fushun Special Steel heavy scrap steel is 2850 yuan/ton, increased by 100 yuan/ton; The factory price of heavy and medium-sized steel shear materials is 2,560 yuan/ton excluding tax.

The price of scrap steel in North China increased slightly, and the base had difficulty receiving raw materials. Merchants were waiting and watching. Steel companies did not receive the goods well, and inventories declined slightly. The purchase price of heavy scrap steel from Shougang Qiangang is 2,830 yuan/ton; the purchase price of heavy-duty second-class scrap steel from Tianjin Steel Pipe is 2,860 yuan/ton; the purchase price of medium-sized scrap steel from Baotou Steel is 2,939 yuan/ton; the purchase price of heavy scrap steel from Hegang Shigang Steel Co., Ltd. is 2,860 yuan/ton. 2629 yuan/ton.