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Hot selling structural carbon steel H iron beam i beam

H-shaped steel is a high-efficiency profile with a more optimized cross-sectional area distribution and a more reasonable strength-to-weight ratio. Since all parts of the H-shaped steel are arranged at right angles, the H-shaped steel has the advantages of strong bending resistance in all directions, simple construction, cost saving and light structural weight, and has been widely used.


     ASTM standard American standard H-beam has three main quality grades: A36, A572, A992, etc. A36 material and A572 material represent carbon structural steel, and A992 is low alloy steel.
    European standard section steel UB series - British standard H section steel, used in various steel structure buildings, marine engineering, energy. Available in European standard angle steel, European standard channel steel, European standard H-beam, also used in the overall structure construction of offshore oil platforms, LNG, refinery and other modular steel structures.
    1.Specification implementation standard:
    BS EN 10365-2017 replaces the old standard EN10034-1993

    2.Material implementation standard:
    Material: S235JR/J0/J2, S275JR/J0/J2, S355JR/J0/J2/K2, S450J0
    The steel structure mainly consists of hot-rolled H-shaped steel, with good plasticity and toughness, and high structural stability
    Strong ability to resist natural disasters, especially suitable for building structures in earthquake-prone areas;
    Compared with the concrete structure, it can increase the use area of the structure; compared with the welded H-shaped steel, it can obviously save labor and materials, low residual stress, and good appearance and surface quality.

    Universal Beams

    Specification: BS EN 10025-2:2004
    Dimension: BS4-1:2005
    Tolerance: BS EN 10034:1993
    Designation h b s t Area Ix Iy ix iy Zx Zy
    mmxmmxkg/m mm mm mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
    127x76x13 127.0 76.0 4.0 7.6 16.5 473 55.7 5.35 1.84 74.6 14.7
    152x89x16 152.4 88.7 4.5 7.7 20.3 834 89.8 6.41 2.10 110 20.2
    178x102x19 177.8 101.2 4.8 7.9 24.3 1,356 137 7.48 2.37 153 27.0
    203x102x23 203.2 101.8 5.4 9.3 29.4 2,105 164 8.46 2.36 207 32.2
    203x133x25 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 32.0 2,340 308 8.56 3.10 230 46.0
    203x133x30 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 38.2 2,896 385 8.71 3.17 280 57.5
    254x102x22 254.0 101.6 5.7 6.8 28.0 2,841 119 10.10 2.06 224 23.5
    254x102x25 257.2 101.9 6.0 8.4 32.0 3,415 149 10.30 2.15 266 29.0
    254x102x28 260.4 102.2 6.3 10.0 36.1 4,005 179 10.50 2.22 308 35.0
    254x146x31 251.4 146.1 6.0 8.6 39.7 4,413 448 10.55 3.36 351 61.0
    254x146x37 256.0 146.4 6.3 10.9 47.2 5,537 571 10.80 3.48 433 78.0
    254x146x43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 54.8 6,544 677 10.90 3.52 504 92.0
    305x102x25 305.1 101.6 5.8 7.0 31.6 4,455 123 11.87 1.97 292 24.2
    305x102x28 308.7 101.8 6.0 8.8 35.9 5,366 155 12.23 2.08 348 30.5
    305x102x33 312.7 102.4 6.6 10.8 41.8 6,501 194 12.47 2.15 416 37.9
    305x127x37 304.4 123.4 7.1 10.7 47.2 7,171 336 12.30 2.67 471 54.5
    305x127x42 307.2 124.3 8.0 12.1 53.4 8,196 389 12.40 2.70 534 62.6
    305x127x48 311.0 125.3 9.0 14.0 61.2 9,575 461 12.50 2.74 616 73.6
    305x165x40 303.4 165.0 6.0 10.2 51.3 8,503 764 12.90 3.86 560 93.0
    305x165x46 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 58.7 9,899 896 13.00 3.90 646 108
    305x165x54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 68.8 11,700 1063 13.00 3.93 754 127
    356x127x33 349.0 125.4 6.0 8.5 42.1 8,249 280 14.00 2.58 473 45.0
    356x127x39 353.4 126.0 6.6 10.7 49.8 10,172 358 14.30 2.68 576 57.0
    356x171x45 351.4 171.1 7.0 9.7 57.3 12,070 811 14.50 3.76 687 95.0
    356x171x51 355.0 171.5 7.4 11.5 64.9 14,140 968 14.80 3.86 796 113
    356x171x57 358.0 172.2 8.1 13.0 72.6 16,040 1108 14.90 3.91 896 129
    356x171x67 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 85.5 19,460 1362 15.10 3.99 1,071 157
    406x140x39 398.0 141.8 6.4 8.6 49.7 12,508 410 15.90 2.87 629 58.0
    406x140x46 403.2 142.2 6.8 11.2 58.6 15,685 538 16.40 3.03 778 76.0
    406x178x54 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 69.0 18,720 1021 16.50 3.85 930 115
    406x178x60 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 76.5 21,600 1203 16.80 3.97 1,063 135
    406x178x67 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 85.5 24,330 1365 16.90 3.99 1,189 153
    406x178x74 412.8 179.5 9.5 16.0 94.5 27,310 1545 17.00 4.04 1,323 172
    457x152x52 449.8 152.4 7.6 10.9 66.6 21,370 645 17.90 3.11 950 85.0
    457x152x60 454.6 152.9 8.1 13.3 76.2 25,500 795 18.30 3.23 1,122 104
    457x152x67 458.0 153.8 9.0 15.0 85.6 28,930 913 18.40 3.27 1,263 119
    457x152x74 462.0 154.4 9.6 17.0 94.5 32,670 1047 18.60 3.33 1,414 136
    457x152x82 465.8 155.3 10.5 18.9 104.5 36,590 1185 18.70 3.37 1,571 152.5
    457x191x67 453.4 189.9 8.5 12.7 85.5 29,380 1452 18.50 4.12 1,296 153
    457x191x74 457.0 190.4 9.0 14.5 94.6 33,320 1671 18.80 4.20 1,458 176
    457x191x82 460.0 191.3 9.9 16.0 104.5 37.050 1871 18.80 4.23 1,611 196
    457x191x89 463.4 191.9 10.5 17.7 113.8 41,020 2089 19.00 4.29 1,770 218
    457x191x98 467.2 192.8 11.4 19.6 125.3 45,730 2347 19.10 4.33 1,957 243
    533x210x82 528.3 208.8 9.6 13.2 104.7 47,540 2007 21.30 4.38 1,800 192
    533x210x92 533.1 209.3 10.1 15.6 117.4 55,230 2389 21.70 4.51 2,072 228
    533x210x101 536.7 210.0 10.8 17.4 128.7 61,520 2692 21.90 4.57 2,292 256
    533x210x109 539.5 210.8 11.6 18.8 138.9 66,820 2943 21.90 4.60 2,477 279
    533x210x122 544.5 211.9 12.7 21.3 155.4 76,040 3388 22.10 4.67 2,793 320
    610x229x101 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 128.9 75,780 2915 24.20 4.75 2,515 256
    610x229x113 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 143.9 87,320 3434 24.60 4.88 2,874 301
    610x229x125 612.2 229.0 11.9 19.6 159.3 98,610 3932 24.90 4.97 3,221 343
    610x229x140 617.2 203.2 13.1 22.1 178.2 111,800 4505 25.00 5.03 3,622 391
    610x305x149 612.4 304.8 11.8 19.7 190.0 125,900 9308 25.70 7.00 4,111 611
    610x305x179 620.2 307.1 14.1 23.6 228.0 153,000 11408 25.90 7.07 4,935 743
    610x305x238 635.8 311.4 18.4 31.4 303.3 209,500 15837 26.28 7.22 6,589 1,017
    686x254x125 677.9 253.0 11.7 16.2 159.5 118,000 4383 27.20 5.24 3,481 346
    686x254x140 683.5 253.7 12.4 19.0 178.4 136,300 5183 27.60 5.39 3,987 409
    686x254x152 687.5 254.5 13.2 21.0 194.1 150,400 5784 27.80 5.46 4,374 455
    686x254x170 692.9 255.8 14.5 23.7 216.8 170,300 6630 28.00 5.53 4,916 518
    762x267x134 750.0 264.4 12.0 15.5 171.0 150,700 4788 29.70 5.30 4,018 362
    762x267x147 754.0 265.2 12.8 17.5 187.2 168,500 5455 30.00 5.40 4,470 411.4
    762x267x173 762.2 266.7 14.3 21.6 220.4 205,300 6850 30.52 5.58 5,387 513.7
    762x267x197 769.8 268.0 15.6 25.4 250.6 240,000 8175 30.94 5.71 6,234 610.1
    838x292x176 834.9 291.7 14.0 18.8 224.0 246,000 7799 33.14 5.90 5,893 534.7
    838x292x194 840.7 292.4 14.7 21.7 264.8 279,200 9066 33.63 6.06 6,641 620.1
    838x292x226 850.9 293.8 16.1 26.8 288.6 339,700 11360 34.31 6.27 7,985 773.3
    914x305x201 903.0 303.3 15.1 20.2 255.9 325,300 9423 35.65 6.07 7,204 621.4
    914x305x224 910.4 304.1 15.9 23.9 285.6 376,400 11240 36.30 6.27 8,269 739
    914x305x253 918.4 305.5 17.3 27.9 322.8 436,300 13300 36.76 6.42 9,501 870.8
    914x305x289 926.6 307.7 19.5 32.0 368.3 504,200 15600 37.00 6.51 10,880 1,014
    914x419x343 911.8 418.5 19.4 32.0 437.3 625,800 39160 37.83 9.46 13,730 1,871
    914x419x388 921.0 420.5 21.4 36.6 494.2 719,600 45440 38.16 9.56 15,630 2,161

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